Home automation

Entertainment is central to every smart home and controlling the sources of digital entertainment in even the simplest systems is complex. Add to that, the growing number of connected devices we acquire to simplify life and it’s clear that smart homes need specialists who have their finger on the pulse of this ever evolving industry.

Home theater systems

Our Home Theater Design services are crafted to fully recreate, or exceed the commercial theaters experience, and transpose it in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Permanently researching the latest cutting edge audiovisual advancements, helps us maintain a competitive advantage, reassuring our customers that they’re always ahead of ever changing trends and technologies.

Wireless networks & data infrastructure

A well-designed data infrastructure enables seamless connectivity between various devices and systems within the home. This allows for robust Wireless Networks, easy sharing of data, media streaming, and access to online services across multiple devices simultaneously.

Surveillance security

Installing a home surveillance system provides numerous advantages, including enhanced security, deterrence against potential burglaries, and the ability to monitor and protect your property remotely. With visible cameras and advanced features like motion detection and night vision, surveillance systems act as a deterrent to criminals while capturing valuable evidence in the unfortunate event of a break-in. The ability to remotely access live feeds and recorded footage offers peace of mind, ensuring that you can monitor your home even when you're away. Additionally, surveillance systems can aid in documenting incidents for insurance claims, promoting overall safety, and providing a heightened sense of security for you and your family.

Motorized Blinds

Motorized blinds can be integrated with smart home systems, allowing you to set schedules and automate their operation. This enables you to program the blinds to open and close at specific times of the day, enhancing energy efficiency and adding an extra layer of security by creating the illusion of an occupied home when you're away. Overall, motorized blinds offer a sleek and efficient way to manage natural light and privacy in your space, providing convenience and functionality with modern technology.

Distributed audio/video systems

Here at Out of Sight Home Technologies inc. we offer a comprehensive line of quality Digital Projectors to fit your needs — whether it be design, capabilities or performance. Come and get your hands on our wide selection today.

Lighting control system

A home lighting control system is a sophisticated setup that allows you to manage and customize the lighting in your home according to your preferences. Through a central control hub or a smartphone app, you can effortlessly adjust the intensity, color, and ambiance of your lights, create preset lighting scenes for different moods or activities, and even schedule automatic lighting changes. This system offers convenience, energy efficiency, and enhanced aesthetics, as it enables you to easily create the perfect lighting atmosphere for any occasion and seamlessly integrate your lighting with other smart home devices for a cohesive and personalized living environment.